


Clinevotech, a leading provider of innovative technology solutions, successfully implemented its flagship product, OneQMS, for healthcare organizations. OneQMS is a comprehensive, cloud-based Quality Management System designed to streamline and enhance quality management processes within the healthcare sector. It enables organizations to centralize document management, training, and audits on a single, accessible platform.

clinevotech hero


  • Wireframing and Navigation
  • UI & Visual Design
  • Prototyping
  • Usability & Heuristic Evalution
  • Design System
  • Angular Web Development


The project presented several significant challenges. Balancing the client's emphasis on visual appeal with the imperative for improved user experience was a constant struggle, hindered by a dearth of research resources. Simultaneously, navigating the complex pharmaceutical terminology and meeting stringent deadlines exacerbated the situation. This confluence of factors created a demanding environment that required innovative solutions and effective time management.

What we did

Given the SaaS web app's extensive scope, intricate user journeys, and the client's need for frequent visual adjustments, we prioritized the creation of a comprehensive design system from the project's inception. This strategic approach enabled efficient design iteration and ensured consistency across the platform's numerous components.

Project Goal

To modernize the outdated OneQMS UI while preserving the platform's core functionality and essential elements as defined by the client. The primary objective was to create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface that aligned with the Clinevotech aesthetic preferences without disrupting the existing workflow.

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The global quality management software market is booming, projected to reach $10.18 billion in 2023 and grow 10.6% yearly through 2030, driven by the need for streamlined business operations.

clinevo market

Data Visualization

The platform's extensive datasets, both static and dynamic, presented a significant challenge in selecting appropriate chart types. To ensure data clarity and effective user interaction, a meticulous approach was adopted to determine the most suitable visualization methods for the dashboard. This involved a deep dive into the data structure and user needs to identify the optimal visual representations.

Visual Design Enhancement

The next step in the project was to simplify the presentation of information on the dashboard, which initially contained a multitude of metrics, data points, processes, flows, stages, and statuses. The goal was to enhance the user journey by making the information more accessible and comprehensible.

Visual Design Enhancement

Gamification for Learning

While efficiency remains a cornerstone of enterprise UX, fostering user engagement is equally crucial. This was particularly evident in the OneQMS training module, where user interaction was pivotal for skill development. To elevate user engagement, gamification elements were strategically incorporated into the training module. Progress visualization and badge systems were introduced to motivate users and track their achievements. The training module was also enriched with diverse content formats, including videos, audio, and presentations, to cater to different learning styles and maintain user interest.

Furthermore, the examination interface was redesigned to provide clear and immediate feedback, enhancing the overall learning experience and encouraging continuous improvement. By combining these strategies, the training module was transformed into a more interactive and rewarding experience, ultimately driving user satisfaction and knowledge retention.

examination interface
clinevotech showcase clinevotech showcase

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